Anti-oxidant supplements can't substitute for Nrf2 Cell Defense

The discovery that oxygen free radicals are hazardous for health stimulated tremendous interest in anti-oxidant supplements. But, attention has begun to move away from dietary anti-oxidant supplements and towards the Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway– which is the body's natural mechanism for controlling oxidative stress. There are good reasons why: 

  • Anti-oxidant supplements can't reach all parts of the body suffering from oxidative stress. Even if they could, any benefit would be short-lived. That's because anti-oxidants can't replenish themselves and are used up quickly.
  • There are 24 hours in a day, and continual replenishment of dietary anti-oxidants is impossible.
  • Anti-oxidant supplements can't deliver the precise amount of anti-oxidant protection at the right place and time. Precision is important because some normal body functions require low concentrations of oxygen free radicals.
  • Anti-oxidant supplements taken in high doses may actually cause harm. That's because anti-oxidant molecules can be converted to "pro-oxidant" forms with harmful chemical characteristics. 

In contrast to anti-oxidant supplements, the Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway can regulate oxidative stress in every cell and organ of your body, around the clock and exactly as required for optimal body protection and health. When Nrf2 is working as it should, it delivers just the right amount of anti-oxidant protection, continuously and exactly where it's needed. So forget about anti-oxidant supplements and focus on reactivating your Nrf2 with Latarum® probiotic.*

There are a multitude of anti-oxidant supplements on the market, but none of them can take the place of a functional Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway. When taken as directed, Latarum® probiotic produces Nrf2 activator that can revive your Nrf2 to provide n…

There are a multitude of anti-oxidant supplements on the market, but none of them can take the place of a functional Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway. When taken as directed, Latarum® probiotic produces Nrf2 activator that can revive your Nrf2 to provide natural, 24/7 total body protection from oxidative stress.*

To get links to published research on Nrf2 and how it controls oxidative stress, see: How it works and Supporting Science

Read critical reviews on anti-oxidant supplements:

Scientific American:

Harvard/T.H. Chan School of Public Health:

National Institutes of Health, NCCIH:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Latarum® and Nrf2 Probiotics® are registered trademarks of Nrf2 Probiotics Inc.

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